Advanced accounting help, review of processes, help fixing problems, workshop & staff teaching, personal & corporate tax prep.

Problem solving
Work with your business, in the trenches, fixing the books, changing processes, or anything else required for your business to work well

Bookkeeping & Taxes

If you wanted a classroom environment education for your self employed contractors, Lynn can do customized sessions to teach them how to improve their own bookkeeping processes and save money on taxes.
Read Lynn's Bio
Problem solving
As a business owner, you know when things are just off kilter, or you need to have
a professional on your side.

Why Me?
I have a ton of experience in the trenches, figuring out how processes should work and then designing them to work in the long term. I have owned several businesses. I have trained staff. I know what business owners need. I am that professional that is on your side.

Hire an Outsider
Simply put, we have an viewpoint that neither you or your staff can see. Comparing you to others, there is a vast amount of knowledge in how others may have accomplished the same goals. An outsider is not too close to the trees to realize it is a forest.

Learn From Experience
I owned a professional bookkeeping & accounting firm for over 10 years. I have seen most circumstances. Not much you tell me could surprise me….that’s good news for you! I am a Certified Professional Bookkeeper…which means I have been tested on my knowledge to get (and keep) my certification.
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Get a consultation
Reach out to discuss your unique needs and what type of solutions we have available.
Whether you need help getting off the ground, a go-to source of sound advice, a new perspective for a struggling company, or just want to be more profitable, I’m ready to stand in your corner.
Call directly to 587-760-0422 to discuss your bookkeeping needs.
Need bookkeeping or taxes?
Not everyone wants to do their own bookkeeping.
And I don’t think that most business people should do their own taxes.
I offer both bookkeeping and taxes for small business owners.
I take only a small amount of customers, and treat those customers’ businesses as if they were mine! If you want a bookkeeper where you don’t have to worry about your books, then give me a call and let’s chat about your needs.

Why Me?
I have seen it and likely been there myself! I completely understand the struggles.
BUT….I think I also have unique solutions to help you though. Nobody wants to pay a ton of money for bookkeeping, but doing it “the default way” may not be the way that suits you the best.

Learn From Experience
I am a Certified Professional Bookkeeper…which means I have been tested on my knowledge to get (and keep) my certification. I owned a professional bookkeeping firm for over 10 years. I have seen it and been there. Not much you tell me could surprise me….that’s good news for you!

Don’t Pay for Hard Lessons
When mistakes are made, ultimately it is you that pays the penalty. Don’t take those hard lessons! Doing it right the first time will save you money and time.
If I don’t do something, I will give you an awesome referral to someone that does!
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Call directly to 587-760-0422 to discuss your bookkeeping needs.
Teaching or Workshops
If you want to learn how to do this on your own, consider taking my online learning & education.

Online Options Available
You can take E-School Live, which is an online course offered on this site.
Built for the typical small business person, or one-man show.
This course is also done in a LIVE online workshop several times a year.

Who Benefits?
Any small business that wants to further their bookkeeping education or just to get more profitable.
We also discuss how to start a business, what you should know about Canada Revenue, your accountant, and so much more!

Learn From Exprerience
I am a Certified Professional Bookkeeper…which means I have been tested on my knowledge to get (and keep) my certification. I owned a professional bookkeeping firm for over 10 years.
After working with hundreds of clients, I am well versed with the different types of entrepreneurs, and the mistakes that can be made.
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