How to Properly Write Off Your Vehicle Sometimes in business, your only option is to guess. When a decision must be made right now with limited information. Or when you’re trying out a new marketing technique. We suppose, figure, approximate on a...
Hiring a Subcontractor Disclaimer: The purpose of this blog is to provided a general sense of information. Everyone’s situations are unique; there is no one size fits all when it comes to employees, subcontractors, the work they do, labor laws and Canada Revenue...
How Not Paying Taxes Affect the Dream Home Purchase A common dream of many entrepreneurs is one day buying their dream home. A status symbol for some, it’s the manifestation of years of hard work, determination and success. Others just want a little...
How to Get Started in Your Canadian Business Do you have a business dream you’ve decided to make a reality? That’s awesome! One of my favorite things about teaching business to my University students, is hearing about their ideas. It’s why...
Essential Qualities of a Business Bookkeeper In the course of our hectic lives, we rarely have time to register this one question as we interact with countless people performing a job or service for us: how qualified are they? We assume the cook at the...
Bookkeeping Technology: Making Your Right Choice Disclaimer: Different strokes for different folks, as they say. The opinions expressed herein are just my own. These are based on my experience running a bookkeeping firm with hundreds of clients over the course of ten...